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AEFAA Membership Purchases
Full membership
400$CAAnyone directly responsible for development, maintenance and operation of school facilities.Valable 12 mois- Invitation to annual Spring conference
- Invitation to annual Fall workshop and trade show
- Access to Members-Only section of website
- Invitation to AGM
- Ability to be on the AEFAA Executive Board
District Membership
400$CAAnyone in the field of maintenance and operations in a non-supervisory capacity.Valable 12 mois- Invitation to annual Spring Conference
- Invitation to annual Fall Workshop and Tradeshow
- Access to Members-Only section of website
Associate Membership
200$CAAny affiliate association or incorporated body that wishes to participate in AEFAA eventsValable 12 mois- Ability to participate in AEFAA events (e.g. trade shows)
- Access to AEFAA delegate contact information
- Opportunity to advertise in Facility Focus
- Listing on the AEFAA website
Full Conference PLUS Golf
725$CAÂFull Conference PLUS PD Session
725$CAÂ1 Day Conference
160$CAÂ2-Day Conference
320$CAÂ1-Day Conference PLUS PD
460$CAÂ2-Day Conference PLUS PD
620$CAÂ1-Day Conference PLUS Golf
285$CAÂ2-Day Conference PLUS Golf
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