L'inscription en ligne des membres est ouverte de janvier à mai.
Pour vous inscrire manuellement, veuillez compléter et soumettre le
formulaire d'inscription manuel.
About Memberships
You must be logged into the website to purchase a membership
Full membership enables participation in the AGM and on the AEFAA executive board. Every educational district must have at least one Full AEFAA member.
Purchasing a District membership allows numerous individuals from an educational jurisdiction to attend all AEFAA events.
Associate memberships are for exhibitors or vendors who wish to participate in AEFAA events such as trade shows. It is a requirement for all trade show participants to hold an associate membership in order to attend those events. Associate memberships are not meant for individuals but for the firm that they represent.
You must be a member to attend an AEFAA event.
Full membership
400$CAAnyone directly responsible for development, maintenance and operation of school facilities.Valable 12 mois- Invitation to annual Spring conference
- Invitation to annual Fall workshop and trade show
- Access to Members-Only section of website
- Invitation to AGM
- Ability to be on the AEFAA Executive Board
District Membership
400$CAAnyone in the field of maintenance and operations in a non-supervisory capacity.Valable 12 mois- Invitation to annual Spring Conference
- Invitation to annual Fall Workshop and Tradeshow
- Access to Members-Only section of website
Associate Membership
200$CAAny affiliate association or incorporated body that wishes to participate in AEFAA eventsValable 12 mois- Ability to participate in AEFAA events (e.g. trade shows)
- Access to AEFAA delegate contact information
- Opportunity to advertise in Facility Focus
- Listing on the AEFAA website